Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thorch'n's Journal (Appendix)

[authors note: the following journal serves as an appendix to "Sigma Triad". It is currently incomplete to avoid spoilers, but it will be updated as the story progresses]

Notable Individuals

Name: Terios Sigma
Family: Sigma
Affiliation: Sigma Triad (leader)
Power: drakoline release results in extreme speed, strength, stamina, and endurance (physical)
Weapons: Ahtrif (pistol), Katahtre (shortsword)

Name: Umbris Moonshadow
Family: Moonshadow
Affiliation: Sigma Triad
Power: Temporal Distortion, can hasten or slow his own timeline, when his drakoline level is high, he can do the same to the timeline of others (mental/elemental)
Weapons: Vala and Voda (twin shortswords)

Name: Pyrik Maxentius
Family: Maxentius
Affiliation: Sigma Triad
Power: can create and manipulate fire (elemental)
Weapons: N/A

Name: Osmedius Kepka
Family: Kepka
Affiliation: New Resistance (one of the leaders)
Power: Telekenesis
Weapons: N/A
Interesting Facts: Osmedius is the Patriarch of the Kepka Family

Name: Legate Mekus
Family: Pintax (before death)
Affiliation: Utopia (First Legate)
Power: N/A (automaton)
Weapons: unnamed (Various weapons are integrated into his mechanical body, which is constantly being upgraded. A few constants include automatic projectile weapons, plasma guns, and rockets)
Interisting Facts: Mekus was the first automaton. For whatever reason, the side effect of loss of intellegence and free will did not afflict Mekus as it did all the automatons that came after him. This is possibly due to the tweaking of the process that occoured after Mekus's tranformation.

On Powers, Families, Warriors, and Patriarchs

The Power of a human comes from the drakoline glands, located on the kidneys right next to the adrenaline glands.  They secrete the hormone drakoline, which triggers the Power.  The drakoline glands are closely associated with the adrenaline glands, therefore drakoline will release more effeciently and "peak" higher if adrenaline is released simultaneously.  The variety of a human's Power is determined by his or her DNA, thus, people with certain patterns in their DNA will have the same Power.  This is why people in the same family have the same Power.  Not all humans can use their Power, however.  Only about one in every five human's drakoline glands fully develop (something which happens when he or she enters puberty).  A human who can use his or her Power is called a Warrior.

A child's family is determined when he or she "comes of age" at seventeen.  If the young man or woman has the Power of his/her father's family, he/she is of their father's family, likewise if he/she has his/her mother's family Power.  If he/she is not a Warrior, he/she is usually counted as of his/her father's family.  There is an extremely rare occurance, however, that a Warrior may have a Power different from either of his/her parents.  If it's the Power of another family, he/she is counted among that family after "coming of age."  In extrodinarily rare chance that it is a new, unique Power, the Warrior is a Patriarch: the founder of a new family, and he/she names of his/her family upon "coming of age."

Translation of Words in the Old Tongue

ahtrif (AH-trif) - stinger

b'talah (buh-TAH-luh) - place of thieves, town of thieves

katahtre (kuh-TAH-tray) - fang

vala (VAH-lah) - heaven

voda (VOE-duh) - hell

List of Families and Their Powers

Colik (force field)

Kepka (telekenesis)

Maxentius (fire manipulation)

Moonshadow (temporal distortion)

Pintax (energy absorption)

Sigma (speed, strength, stamina, and endurance enhancement)

Xintar (visual illusion)

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