Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sigma Triad (first draft) Entry #4 (7/30/10)

Umbris awoke with a throbbing head and an aching stomach. He clutched his head as he sat up. He was surprised to notice that the sun was in the east, meaning that it was at least the morning of the next day. He looked around, trying to assess the situation. Terios was nowhere to be seen, but Pyrik was squatting over a steaming pot sitting on top of a fire, stirring the contents with a spoon. A decadent aroma emanated from the pot. “How long was I out?” Umbris asked him.

“Two nights,” Pyrik replied. “Terios is right, you need to conserve your Power more, it was a major drag carrying you all this way. No pun intended.”

Two nights? Umbris said to himself. I guess that would explain the bellyache. I haven’t eaten since breakfast the day before yesterday. The headache must be from that drakoline drain. Umbris stood up and stumbled toward the cooking pot. “What are you cooking?”

“Rabbit stew. There were a lot of rabbits bouncing around, along with some herbs and even a few wild carrots. I also put the last of the potatoes in there.”

Umbris shook his head in wonder. Pyrik’s foraging and cooking skills never ceased to amaze him. He could make a decent meal out of practically nothing. Though his equipment usually restricted him to soups, stews, and roasted meats and vegetables, every one of Pyrik’s meals was a real treat. Umbris put his hands behind his back to check his swords, and noticed that the left one was missing. “Please don’t tell me you used Voda to cut the vegetables. You did, didn’t you?”

Pyrik looked at Umbris sheepishly. “Well, I was going to use Katahtre, but Terios wouldn’t let me. He said that as long as you were out, I might as well use one of your swords. Sorry, but the vegetables weren’t going to cut themselves. It’s over there, by the packs. I already cleaned it up.” Umbris retrieved his sword, muttering something about dang kids always using his Warrior’s tools as chef’s tools. As he sheathed Voda, he asked Pyrik where Terios went. “He went to a nearby spring to get more drinking water. I swear, Umbris you drink more water unconscious that you do awake.”

“So, any idea where we are headed?” Umbris went on to ask.

“B’Talah. Terios thinks we need a break from hunting for the Chamber of the Old Ones, and should instead get some more money. He also wants to save up for an airship.”

“Not that again. I’ve told him time and time again that not all airships are like the Phoenix was, and to get one even comparable to that one, we would have to save up our money for decades, after starving and working to death.”

“Well, all I know is, he will somehow make it happen. He always does.”

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